Naruto Age of the Past
International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission) IxCAs2G
Naruto Age of the Past
International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission) IxCAs2G
Naruto Age of the Past
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 International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission)

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Arcanis Lord of Time
Arcanis Lord of Time

Posts : 862
Join date : 2015-01-12

International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission) Empty
PostSubject: International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission)   International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission) EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 3:32 am

Mission Name: International Jounin Exams
Rank: S Rank
Type: Promotion
Character Requirements: Must be C Rank
Mission Location: Central City
Word Count Requirements: 6000 or enough to prove yourself which ever is Larger
Repeatable? Yes
NPC? Yes a Current A rank or Higher
Reward: B rank, 15,000 ryo

Task: This Exam will be proctored One on one or in front of a team of proctors who will assess you abilities for Jounin. This is up to the proctor's Discretion.
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International Jounin Exams (S Rank Mission)
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